Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Reproductive EXAM!!!!

Exam is over..but I can't get myself over the Reproductive examinations...THe "guy lover" lecturer (Mr Beany) set so many questions on ANATOMY OF THE PENIS ( and all the other QUESTIONS about COMMON PROBLEMS IN GUYS).

Let me introduce this "guy lover" lecturer of mine...
1) He loves guys (duhh...)
2) He gives high marks to work done by guys (all the guys got A+++ for their portfolio projects, and I've checked around, girls will only get MAXIMUM A++ (maybe that extra plus means something...haha)
3) He's from indonesia (that explains his ODD attitude)

Anyway, this is about the exam..QUESTION NO 1....
Name the front part of the penis and the skin covering it...
WTF, in all our lectures on reproductive system, NON of the lecturer even SHOW HOW A PENIS LOOKS LIKE!! now u ask for the FRONT PART name and the SKIN covering it ...SKIN.. I didnt' know the answer to it..so there I was sitting there, waiting for time to pass (its a 10 minute question)...tick tock tick tock...then it struck me..HEY, I read in kennysia.com before that he wanted to remove his FORESKIN...that must be the name for the skin covering the front part of the penis!!!! YES!!! at least i get one mark from this question..hahahahahha..THe moral of the story is, must read kennysia.com, it is EDUCATIONAL too!!!

The funniest part is not here..the funniest part came yesterday..was the last day of exam, so yy, may and I went to makan in MV in this korean restaurant. We were sitting there waiting for our food, and I was telling them how depressed I was with those questions by Mr Beany...
Me :
Sigh...the questions about anatomy is too much! we are FUTURE pharmacist la..we should know more bout pharmacology, not anatomy.
Ya, I know...i didn't answer the question about then penis at all..left it blank..
YA, I didn't know the answer also...but my principle in life is NEVER to leave any blank space...so i put the skin as SCROTUM!!!!

(Shocked face) ...What..the skin covering the PENIS u put as SCROTUM??!! do u know what is scrotum????!!!!
Of course, but my PRINCIPLE IN LIFE IS NEVER LEAVE ANY BLANK SPACE..i know its very wrong, but scrotum got skin also , so its kinda related la...
OMFG!!! even if its me I would have not write anything, leave it BLANK than fill in a rediculous answer..picture this..a penis..plus two scrotum hanging in front..!!!! LOL...where to find underwear like this!!! hahahahahaha...Hmm..come to think of it, lucky u put something outside one hor...it wud hav been funnier if u put the answer as PROSTATE GLAND !!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

PS: I was one of the girl getting A++ for my reproductive portfolio..guess how I made him gave me the maximum +? Under the extra issue, I wrote something that i knew he would be interested in..."Eunuch in China"..and he gave me a comment " Nice topic"...hahahahha.actually he does looks like a typical Eunuch..sorry, can't put his pic..I'll be Kicked out of uni...:p